
Monday, February 24, 2014

Currently Craving: Perfect Pleats

I have been in love with pleated anything lately! I love how feminine and flowy these maxi skirts and dresses are, but also how versatile they are. I love pairing these girly pieces with slightly tougher, leather jackets or more casual t-shirts. Recently, I purchased a pleated peach maxi skirt from Forever 21, and I can't wait to share how I styled it with you! 

This weekend, I caught up on sleep, tv shows, and laundry. After a crazy busy week in Las Vegas last week, a relaxing weekend was exactly what I needed to come back fresh and ready to work. This week, I'm looking forward to the return of Grey's Anatomy! Seriously though, who else has been waiting for the 27th?! I feel like February goes by so quickly, even though it's only a couple days shorter! This year, I'm kind of excited because I've been looking forward to March :)

Happy Monday, friends!

*all images found on Pinterest
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1 comment:

  1. i totally love the look of pleated maxi skirts but i just don't think i can handle. mostly do you deal with wrinkled pleats? you can't possibly steam it because you will steam the pleats out. it just worries me too much. but hey if you know any secrets fill me in because i want a pleated maxi!!!

    at this volume
