
Monday, February 17, 2014

14 Travel Must Haves

Hi Everyone! Today, I'm on my way to Las Vegas to attend Magic, one of the biggest apparel tradeshows. This is my first time going, and I have been looking forward to it for weeks now! Last week was a really busy week in preparation for this trip in the office, with the most important question (naturally) being "What are you going to wear?!" After finally deciding on my wardrobe for the week, I realized there were other things that are just as important--like how much stuff would overflow into my carry on bag. So of course, my real carry-on items needed to be absolutely essential in order for my extra pairs of shoes and purses to come with me!

Here's a list of my travel must haves:

1. Lip Balm--This rose salve is my new favorite! It's hydrating, moisturizing, and has a subtle pink tint.

2. Painkillers--or any other necessary medicine you might need. Headaches always come at a bad time, so be prepared with a travel sized bottle. I usually put all the various pills I might need into one bottle to save space.

3. Hair Spray--Is it just me, or does airplane air make your hair a completely static-y mess? I swear by the Loreal Paris Elnett hairspray, and I love that comes in this super cute travel sized bottle!

4. Make up wipes--These are perfect for cleaning up make up and refreshing yourself after a long flight!

5. Tissues--You do not want to be the passenger with the runny nose during the entire flight. 

6. Lip gloss--A pretty pink is perfect to add some color to your face after getting off that long flight, especially if you have somewhere to go straight from the airport.

7. Hand cream--No one likes dry hands!

8. Hand sanitizer--Who knows who has sat in that seat or touched that tray table?!

9. Magazines--Definitely help pass the time!

10. Sunnies--Hide those tired eyes, and look good while doing it!

11. Comfortable, yet Chic shoes--Can I just say I am absolutely obsessed with these nude open toe booties? And the fact that they match with literally everything and are super comfortable makes them a total win in my book. Oh, and did I mention I got them at Target? I hope you're on your way there now. 

12. Scarf--Or a cardigan. or both. Planes are always cold. Enough said. 

13. Graphic tee--Cozy and a conversation starter, especially if you're traveling alone.

14. Tote--Something durable and stylish to carry everything in! 

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  1. Great list, I think that I would take almost the same things as you. I would probably change the magazines out for a iPad though, I tend to get a little bored on the plane ride. I would have never thought of the tissues before and I'm always looking for some!

    Luke |

  2. Rosebud lip balm is the best! I have the strawberry scented one and I love it.
    I would probably add headphones and a few snacks to the travel list. Also, that tote is adorable

