

Take pleasure in the little things in life

I'm Iman! I work in fashion by day, event coordination by night, and the blogging world somewhere in between. Please don't ask when I get time to sleep! I'm a new college graduate, a lover of all things fashion, and as of recent, a fiancĂ©e!  

I decided to start Polka Dots and Purses so I could document my personal style and how it changes over time. Polka Dots and Purses was inspired by a spontaneous photo shoot and a well-planned vacation. But P&P isn't just about style--It's a place where you can come to share a laugh, shed a tear, or get some colorful inspiration. I hope to make friends with my readers, and share my experiences and discoveries as they happen.

Thanks for stopping by! :)


  1. Pinterest led me to your blog and I've just spent the last hour stalking you like no other! You're a living version of my style with the only difference being that you're actually carrying it out all the time, haha. Love the blog- cheers!

    1. Hi afsara! Thanks so much for your sweet words!! So glad you like my blog and my style :) you can carry your style everyday too! It doesn't always have to look picture perfect (mine doesn't always!). But whatever you wear will always represent you and your style, so wear it proud! Hope you come back and visit :)
      Xo, Iman
