
Monday, February 3, 2014

Plaid Layering

Kohl's flannel, clutch, and necklace, Forever 21 sweater and jeans, Rock and Republic pumps

Oh, a Monday morning after a crazy weekend is exactly that: a Monday morning. And by that I mean, no groceries in the house, barely any clean laundry, and blaming the alarm clock for being late--even though we all know you hit the snooze one too many times. But, it's these kinds of mornings that keep me going--When I know I can handle the crazy when it gets to be too much. It's having something to hold on too--a perfect memory, an extraordinary day in the middle of all the ordinary, or a special someone's smile--that keeps us moving forward on these frantic mornings. 

Happy February, friends! Here's wishing you a month filled with love, lots of reds and pinks, and obnoxiously socially acceptable amounts of chocolate!

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