
Monday, January 6, 2014

Two Thousand Fourteen

Old Navy "New York" T-shirt, Simply Vera by Vera Wang necklace, Forever 21 cropped jeans

It's the first Monday of the new year, so I guess that means it's officially time to start on those new year's resolutions, right? As cliche as it sounds, 2013 came and went so quickly. But it's amazing how many things happened in those 365 days. I started my blog, survived my last quarter (with 20 units, an internship, and a job), graduated from college, got a full time job that I love, met so many new people, made new friends, made lifelong memories with old friends, planned and attended several events/parties, traveled, tried new restaurants, savored old favorites, and got engaged! 

I can confidently say 2013 was my busiest year yet, and I'm so proud to be able to have made it through. It showed me that I can really accomplish anything I want to as long as I am dedicated and love what I'm doing. I learned how much can really be completed in a 24-hour time period if I schedule my time properly. I learned to prioritize what's important and make sure I put my best effort into those things. I learned that sometimes it's ok to not have a plan and take the day as it comes. I learned that it IS possible to wake up at 4:15am every day and survive a 2-hour commute. I learned how much family matters and how I don't know what I would do without mine. I learned how resilient the human body is, but also how fragile it can be and how important it is to take care of it. And finally, I learned that sometimes it's good not to know everything before it happens--Surprises are the spice of life.  

I spent New Year's Eve with family and close friends, eating, enjoying, and in my case, sleeping on the couch until about five minutes to midnight. It was a low key night--just like every year. It's always nice to reminisce about the previous year and the fun we had as we count down and watch the ball drop.

On New Year's Day, I spent the day at home in jeans and a tee--something that you won't find me in too often. But it was the perfect combination for a late brunch before a day of making goals, taking photos, and wishing I had been in Times Square the night before (hence the NY t-shirt and sparkly necklace). This year, I hope to be more consistent with my blog, live a healthier lifestyle, and focus on how the choices I make now will shape my future. I'm excited to take risks, be happier, and greet opportunity with open arms.

I hope everyone has made a positive start into 2014, and I wish you all the best for any resolutions you've set your mind and heart to. Happy 2014! 


  1. Iman, stop ittttttt!!! you're too cute!!!
    sounds like you had a pretty good year! you are such a good role model for your sisters! also, you make even a tee shirt and jeans look freakin fabulous. SO JEAL!

    at this volume

    1. Aww Leeda! You're too sweet :) I just checked out your blog and I love it!!

  2. Iman I always enjoy your blogs when they are posted to facebook :) keep them comin!!!!

    1. Thank you so much Anishee Bhen! Couldn't do it without support from you all :)
