
Monday, January 27, 2014

Purple Pumps

Ruche blouse, H&M pants and pumps, Forever 21 bag, Kate Spade watch and bangle, Target earrings

Yup, I have purple pumps on. Who buys purple shoes? Well, apparently, this girl. I saw these pointed toe heels at H&M last year, and I didn't buy them until three visits later. I debated between these ones and the black ones, and usually I would have gone with the more practical choice of black. But clearly, practicality lost this battle. I guess I was on the whole Radiant Orchid trend way before Pantone ;)

The weekend always goes by too fast. This weekend I watched lots of movies and TV and caught up on several things that had been forgotten for too long. It was a couple days full of lots of ideas, creativity, and plans that I can't wait to share with you all! This week is going to be a busy one, but I'm looking forward to it. Well, more like to the end of it, as usual. Is it Friday, yet? 

Happy Monday, friends!
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Monday, January 20, 2014

Four Hours

H&M Sweater, Jessica Simpson skinnies, Charlotte Russe leopard flats, Urban Outfitters purse, Ruche fedora

Weekends dedicated to exploring old favorites call for slouchy sweaters, comfy shoes, and a great hat. These leopard flats literally match with everything, and I have to try really hard not to wear them everyday! I feel like so many people are afraid to wear leopard print, but I've come to discover that it's one of my most basic wardrobe essentials. And now, this hat. I can't say enough about it. But it's amazing how easily a hat can take a basic outfit to the next level.

 It is so crazy how quickly this month is going by! But 2014 is off to a good start--the best part being that I found an apartment! I didn't realize how crucial time is until I started spending almost 4 hours every day in the car on my way to and from work. Yes, you read that right--FOUR. The extra time I have now, since my "commute" is only 20 minutes, is so precious. It's that extra hour of sleep, the moments I get to spend with friends, or the hour every night I can put toward turning my dreams into reality that really matters. Who knew I could get so much done in a few short hours! It's important to take advantage of the time we have right now because once a second passes, it's not coming back. So make sure you make some time for yourself and the people and things that are most important to you this year and for years to come!
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Monday, January 13, 2014

Feeling Blue

Kohl's dotted chambray and clutch, C Wonder sweater via TJ Maxx, H&M jeans, Rock and Republic pumps, Kate Spade watch

 It's always so hard to pair a dark blue top with dark wash jeans, so when I bought this sweater, I was really only thinking about the polka dots. Clearly not the most practical shopper, guys. You should all know by now that I can't pass up a classic dotted print. So when this fantastic find caught my eye as I was walking out of TJ Maxx, my love (ok, ok, healthy obsession) for polka dots wouldn't let me leave without it. When I saw the C. Wonder tag on it, I knew I had scored. Designer dots at a discounted price? Someone pinch me!

I like how all the different shades of blue all come together here, and the juxtaposition of the preppy button down and layered sweater (and lots of dots!) with the distressed boyfriend jeans give a "laid-back-but-still-put-together" look. Because obviously, that's a real thing, guys. Ok, really, I just needed an alternative to dark wash denim, and these pants were the first thing I found.  

Monday, January 6, 2014

Two Thousand Fourteen

Old Navy "New York" T-shirt, Simply Vera by Vera Wang necklace, Forever 21 cropped jeans

It's the first Monday of the new year, so I guess that means it's officially time to start on those new year's resolutions, right? As cliche as it sounds, 2013 came and went so quickly. But it's amazing how many things happened in those 365 days. I started my blog, survived my last quarter (with 20 units, an internship, and a job), graduated from college, got a full time job that I love, met so many new people, made new friends, made lifelong memories with old friends, planned and attended several events/parties, traveled, tried new restaurants, savored old favorites, and got engaged! 

I can confidently say 2013 was my busiest year yet, and I'm so proud to be able to have made it through. It showed me that I can really accomplish anything I want to as long as I am dedicated and love what I'm doing. I learned how much can really be completed in a 24-hour time period if I schedule my time properly. I learned to prioritize what's important and make sure I put my best effort into those things. I learned that sometimes it's ok to not have a plan and take the day as it comes. I learned that it IS possible to wake up at 4:15am every day and survive a 2-hour commute. I learned how much family matters and how I don't know what I would do without mine. I learned how resilient the human body is, but also how fragile it can be and how important it is to take care of it. And finally, I learned that sometimes it's good not to know everything before it happens--Surprises are the spice of life.  

I spent New Year's Eve with family and close friends, eating, enjoying, and in my case, sleeping on the couch until about five minutes to midnight. It was a low key night--just like every year. It's always nice to reminisce about the previous year and the fun we had as we count down and watch the ball drop.

On New Year's Day, I spent the day at home in jeans and a tee--something that you won't find me in too often. But it was the perfect combination for a late brunch before a day of making goals, taking photos, and wishing I had been in Times Square the night before (hence the NY t-shirt and sparkly necklace). This year, I hope to be more consistent with my blog, live a healthier lifestyle, and focus on how the choices I make now will shape my future. I'm excited to take risks, be happier, and greet opportunity with open arms.

I hope everyone has made a positive start into 2014, and I wish you all the best for any resolutions you've set your mind and heart to. Happy 2014!