
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday, Polka dots and Purses!

Today marks the first birthday of P & P! It's hard to believe that a full 365 days have passed since I shared my first post with you all. This blog has become more than just an online fashion diary. It is a part of me, a safe haven where I share more than just my clothes. It is something that is all mine, with no rules and no restrictions. I love the freedom I have with P&P to be able to share my feelings and my life with all of my readers. When I prepare a post for you all, it is relaxing--a way to de-stress and make time for myself. And, with each post, I hope to bring a little smile to everyone's face, not just mine. I hope that I have been at least somewhat successful at that this year.

I also want to use today to reflect on how thankful I am for all the support and love I have received throughout this first year's journey. I want to give a big thank you to my family and friends who joke about the "blag" but continue to push me to share and post, my favorite photographer without whom this blog would not be possible, and, of course, to every. single. one. of my readers that continue to return to my site and give such positive and heartwarming feedback! It is because of you all that I continue to push myself to keep working on sharing new posts as often as I can!

As for 2014, I am hoping to bring you all as much new and consistent content as I possibly can! I can't wait to see what this new year has in store for Polka dots and Purses!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you all!  

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